2018 Annual Appeal | Mingei International Museum

Gallery Closure: Our Exhibitions Level is closed until Saturday, April 5. Learn more about upcoming exhibitions

Wednesday, 3/26, Mingei will close at 4pm for a private event.

Your generosity helps to ensure that San Diego’s children and learners of all ages will experience a greatly expanded roster of hands-on education programs and inspiring craft workshops at a transformed Mingei.

Donations received as of March 26, 2019


Rev. and Mrs. Kenji Akahoshi

Eugene A. and Patricia C. Alfaro

Libby Andersen

Nancy Anderson

Claire Anderson in Honor of Founder Martha Longenecker

Ellen Anderson

Sally Ault in memory of Barry, Mariella and John

Joyce Axelrod Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Warren and Barbara Bakley

Lainie Baldwin

Dr. Joseph Ball and Ms. Jennifer Ball

Larry J. and Lucinda Barrick

Jan Bast

Mary Beebe and Charles Reilly

Marilyn Billingsley and Kirby Pray

Charles and Charlotte Bird

Arthur Boothroyd and Carol Mackersie

David Boufford

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bowden

Devra Breslow

Althea M. Brimm

Robert Buchanan

Carmela Caldera Bowen

Harriet Campe

Dr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Canada

Lisa Capper and Wm Jesse King

Kathleen and Earl Certain

Dr. Kathleen Charla

Lynda Claassen in honor of Rob Sidner

Renee Cokin

Patti and Coop Cooprider

Roger C. Cornell, M.D.Ann Rea Craig

Marion E. Craven

Patricia Cué

Alison Cummings

Denise and Gary David

Jim and Mary Dawe

Mrs. Kristina Dendinger

Katy and Mike Dessent in honor of Martha Ehringer

Olivia and Clive Dorman

Jack and Lorrain Duffy

Bernard J. Eggertsen and Florence Nemkov

Drs. Steve Eilenberg and Marie Tartar

Jeane F. Erley

Heidi and John Farkash in memory of Nessa Moll

Marilyn K. Felfe

Arline M. Fisch

Dale and Matthew Fisher

Barbara Fishman in memory of Daniel Fishman

Ashley Fong and Alex Whitmore

Lotus Fragola

Sandra Francour

Caroline S. Frederick

Theresa Friederich-Takasugi and Wayne Takasugi

Catherine R. Friedman

Jessie Gates

Joyce M. Gattas, PhD

Ruth M. Gilbert

Dr. Faye Girsh

Lisa Hamilton

Andrea Hanson and Chris Szwedo

Jay and Mary Hanson

Carol Harlow

Patrick Harrison and Eleanor Lynch

Jim and Barbara Hartung

Susan S. Hayes

Carol F. Hinrichs

Julie Hocking

Judy Hollingshead

Robyn Hollingshead in honor of Judy Hollingshead

Marilee Hong

Jane and Bruce Hopkins

Nikki Hrountas

Meta Butler HuntScott and Carolyn Ingham

Stan and Patty Jacobs

Margaret Johnson

Sonja Jones

Kathy and Rob Jones

Christine Justice

Anne-Marie and Everett Kaukonen

Maurice M. Kawashima

Robert A. Keith in loving memory of Elizabeth Keith

Kristin Kelly

Heather and Ron Kerner

Maureen and Charles King

Kathleen V. Kish

Helen Klein

Roberta Klein in memory of Stanley H. Klein

Eric and Zoe Kleinbub

Dave and Sue Knop

Jean F. Kockinos

Ellen Koutsky

Martin and Barbara Kruming

The Kubo Family

Sergey and Tatyana Kupriyanov

Peter and Sue Ladouceur

Theresa F. Lai

Alan Lawson

Susan Lehman

Kate Leonard and Richard Forsyth

Nancy Lindsay

Jean Litchfield

Eric and Suellen Lodge

Robin B. Luby

Luce et Studio in memory of Patty Jacobs

The Lundsten Family

Beverly Maloof

Harry Markowitz

Harold and Beverly Martyn

Gene and Marilyn Marx

Sue Mason

Betsy H. Massee

Richard C. Matheron

Margaret Matter

Karen H. McBride

Ann A. McDonald

Christine McFadden

Douglas and Susan McLeod

Renee Menard

Carol Mendoza

Elinor Merl and Mark Brodie

Susan Milner

Bonnie Minamide

Rena Minisi and Rich Paul

Billie Moffitt

Molitor/Emer Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Capt. and Mrs. Gary E. Monell in honor of Constance W. Monell

Liz Morrison

Marian Moses in memory of My Daughter Deb

David and Becky Mrachek

Daniel R. Mueller and JoAnn Pari-Mueller

Karen and Tom Mulvaney in honor of Dick Woltman

Sheena and Wayne Myers

Anne and Ralph Neiger

Joani Nelson

Lyn Nelson

Caroline and Nick Nordquist

L. O’Neil

Charles and Kim Pack

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pecht in honor of Maureen King

Mark and Jeanene Perry

Frances Petefish in memory of Foy Beck

Laurie Smith Peters

Susan and Tom Polakiewicz

Kent and Jill Porter in honor of Carol Hinrichs

Allison and Robert Price Family Foundation

Elke Radelow

John and Lesley Randall

Jerry Ray

Robert Reese

Doug and Jan Rightmer

Susan Riley

Janet Robbins

Bea and Tom Roberts

Toni Robin in honor of Rose Robin

Joyleen Rottenstein

Karl Rudnick and Jill Cooper

Raquel Rudoy

John and Bonnie Rush

Patricia Rutledge

Teresa Salerno

Carolyn Satter

Michele Schlecht

Carol Schloo-Wright

Gail Schneider and David Matlin

Connie Schroeder

Elizabeth Seibold

Karen Seo and Daniel Lee in honor of Rob Sidner

Curt Sherman

Helen Shirk

Gay Sinclair

Kathleen Sloan

Lisa Smith

Nancy E. Snyder

Judith Springer

Jeanette Stevens

Bonnie and Ray Stewart

Thomas Straus

Lisa Sidner Suydam

Sandy and Michael Swirnoff

Takahashi Family Fund at The San Diego Foundation

Gerald L. Thiebolt

Irving G. Tragen

Angie Turner

Dr. Osvaldo Humberto Viveros and Mrs. Yolanda Viveros

Violet Wagener

Robert D. Wallace in honor of Terri Bryson

Patricia L. Waller

Sharon Watson

Dr. and Mrs. M.D. Weinberg

Abby and Ray Weiss

Rachel Wells

Linda J. West

Frances Hamilton White

Al and Armi Williams

Carole Wilson and Robert Brandt

Li-Ann Wong

David A. Wood

Arch and Carol Woodard

Ann and Dan Worth in honor of Mingei’s amazing & dedicated staff!

Emiliene M. Yaeger

Terri Peterson Zimdars

Barbara ZoBell