Transformation | Mingei International Museum

Gallery Closure: Our Exhibitions Level is closed until Saturday, April 5. Learn more about upcoming exhibitions

Great spaces inspire great exchanges.

On September 3, 2021 Mingei International Museum completed a significant transformation of its facility on the Plaza de Panama in Balboa Park, which has redefined its relationship to the Park, the San Diego region, and the world. The transformed building dynamically renewed its commitment to the Museum’s vision and the community it serves.

Through a series of visitor surveys, stakeholder interviews, and tours of other museums, Mingei reaffirmed its mission to open up the Museum for maximum engagement and collaboration and expand access to collections, exhibitions, and educational programming.

“It’s an important moment to aspire to a big gesture of change. This project with Mingei is a perfect confluence—it’s about the Park, the craft of fine art, and good design. And it’s one of the most authentic and humble institutions in the city that I believe in. It couldn’t be a better fit.”

Jennifer Luce Founder and Principal, LUCE et studio How to Donate
La Atalaya Theater
Gallery Level
Margaret A. Cargill Commons
Founder’s Gallery
Frances Hamilton White Art Reference Library
Neeley Courtyard
Smoyer-Dickinson Terrace
Education Center
La Atalaya Theater

A free Commons Level places visitors at the center.

Art belongs to everyone. With a gallery, store, restaurant, and center for learning, the free Commons Level features multiple public entries on east and west, opening the Museum to expansive meeting, making, and learning opportunities:

  • lively new civic space to gather on the Commons Level, with free admission for everyone
  • inviting courtyard next to the Plaza de Panama and upper-level terraces with breathtaking views
  • dedicated education center for K-12 students and for people of all ages to engage in hands-on artmaking
  • beautiful theater for performances, lectures, and demonstrations
  • stunning galleries and library upstairs, with access to the House of Charm’s iconic tower
  • inspired shopping and dining

The second level is devoted to exhibitions and research, with its main galleries and art library. Mingei is also giving back to the City of San Diego through the addition of open space and restoration of its historic home, The House of Charm.

“I’m impressed with Mingei International Museum’s vision and courage in embarking on a transformational project that embraces the community and increases access for everyone to the Museum’s collections. By going big, Mingei reflects the audacity of Balboa Park’s founders in providing enticing public spaces open to all.”

Todd Gloria, San Diego Mayor

Education Center

Mingei educational programming facilitates engagement with our diverse museum collection, celebrating the value of seeing the world in new ways. We’re committed to partnering with institutions and working artists to forge a deep understanding of folk art, craft, and design processes. The new Education Center facilitates hands-on learning—from its dedicated classroom and meeting space for docents and volunteers to ample room for school groups to gather.

La Atalaya Foundation Theater

Mingei transformed a non-functional loading dock into a gorgeous, new 1,700-square-foot Theater for inspiring lectures, concerts, films, dinners, and special events. It features 13-foot ceilings, chairs of classic Danish design, and state-of-the-art lighting and audio-visual systems. A sleek 40-foot glass door opens to the outdoor amphitheater and Palm Canyon beyond.

Smoyer-Dickinson Terrace

Art Collections and Library

Immerse yourself in the art of Mingei on the second level, devoted to art and research with exhibition spaces and an art library. An elegant boardroom features the Museum’s sweeping Nakashima table for meetings and events and inspires far-reaching discussions.

Outdoor Spaces

By creating new public outdoor areas, a transparent relationship to the iconic Plaza de Panama and connection to Alcazar Garden emerges. While the Courtyard directly above the Theater provides an intimate public space, a mural from the Museum’s permanent collection, Variations on a Gold Theme by Ellamarie and Jackson Woolley, offers a stunning backdrop for private events, film projection, and temporary exhibitions.

For many decades the building’s upper terraces were not open to the public, but have now been reclaimed with breathtaking views of the Plaza and California Tower, Palm Canyon, and the new courtyard.

Stairwell and Tower

A new staircase spills out of the House of Charm tower, creating an informal amphitheater for gathering and an inviting entrance to the second level and its iconic tower. The new grand staircase houses the signature sculpture by Dale Chihuly, Mingei International Museum Chandelier, with the conical tower enhancing the glasswork. A skylight floods the interior with light.

Art Storage and Staff Offices

Behind the scenes, Museum Staff works together in a collaborative, efficient office environment on the lower level of the building. The newly designed workspace brings improvements to art storage and easy access to art handling.

Balboa Park Amenities

As we build the future, we’re also rebuilding the past, restoring historic integrity to the House of Charm and reducing environmental impact:

  • restoring attributes of the original 1915 building by reenergizing the once-utilized upper terraces for visitor use and enjoyment and also the Alcazar Garden entry
  • showing the building's history to visitors through the construction of a new grand staircase and revealing the interior of the tower
  • working to achieve LEED Gold Certification and upgrading to meet code requirements including ADA
  • repairing dilapidated terrace roofing, installing a much-needed freight elevator, moving a transformer, and replacing the heating and air conditioning system for all tenants in the House of Charm

“We’re pleased to share the House of Charm with the Mingei for many more decades as the Globe continues to pursue its mission to serve the public good.”

Timothy J. Shields, Managing Director The Old Globe Donate Today

Thank you for supporting Mingei's transformation!

During the last six years, nearly 800 Mingei friends have contributed to the transformation project's capital campaign. Thank you for your interest, encouragement, faith, and support. This has been a community effort in support of a community space.

All Donors to the Capital Campaign as of October 2022


Terry and Bonnie Abajian

Malvina Abbott

Gloria Aberasturi

Rick Accurso and Paige Gilman

Karen Acquista

Sumi Adachi

Pamela and Gordon Adler

Karen and Kenji Akahoshi

Eugene A. and Patricia C. Alfaro

Gary Allard

Daniel T. and June A. Allen

Allied Crafts Council of San Diego

Allison and Robert Price Family Foundation

Alumbra Innovations Foundation

Claire Anderson

Ellen and Aaron Anderson

Nancy Anderson

Rachel Angeles

Helena Angelides

Alicia M. Annas

Arleene Antin and Leonard Ozerkis

ArtWorks San Diego

Nichole Augustin

Sally Ault

Joyce Axelrod Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Pamela Badger

John and Greti Baez

Elizabeth Baker

Warren and Barbara Bakley

Elaine Baldwin

Drs. Joseph Ball and Jennifer Taschek

The Baratz Family

Bob and Gail Bardin

Beatriz Barraza

Larry J. and Lucinda Barrick

Cia and Larry Barron

Jan Bart

Jan Bast

Lori Baxter

Susan Baxter

Stuart Bean

Constance Beardsley

Lauren Beaudry

James Beazell and Gwen Morgan-Beazell

Ms. Linda E. Becker

Mary Beebe and Charles Reilly

Maurine Beinbrink

Rafaela and John Belanich

Marian Benassi

Stacey Rae Bergeson

Sandra Bernal

Doris Besikof

Maryana Bhak

Farhad Bharucha

Vivian B. Biely

Susan Bienkowski

James and Marie Biers

Marilyn Billingsley and Kirby Pray

Marilyn Bintz

Charlotte Bird

Carolyn Bissonnette

Craig and Norma Blakey

Bloomingdale's Fund of the Macy’s Foundation

Angelina Boaz

Nora Bodrian

Arthur Boothroyd and Carol Mackersie

Nila Boquin

Penelope Borax

Shela and Gerald Bordin

Tracy Borkum

David E. Boufford

Karen G. and Robert A. Bowden

Pat Boyce and Debbie Fritsch

Susan and Steve Bralove

Dawna M. Bratten

Bob and Maxine Braude

Molly and Charles Brazell

Rich and Beth Brenner

Maria Breshkova

Devra Breslow

Althea M. Brimm

Gordon Brodfuehrer

Dena Broeders

Bonnie J. Brown

Rhonda M. Brown

Ellen Brown Merewether

Harold and Colene Brown Family Foundation

Robert Buchanan

Lisa Burger

Ellena Burman

Maribah Bushell

Sandi Calabough

Dr. Mary Ann Calcott

Carmela Caldera Bowen

California Cultural and Historical Endowment

Joan and Peter Camana

Harriet Campe

Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Canada

Robert Caplan and Carol Randolph

Lisa Capper and Jesse King

Carole Carden

Kathleen and Earl Certain

Marissa Cervantes-Flores

Bambos Charalambous

Kathleen Charla, PhD

Ms. Dominique Chavez

Loretta and Mark Chavez

Simma Chester

Christian Wheeler Engineering

Jessie Chu and Roger Shi

City National Bank

Lynda Claassen

Scott Claster

Kate Clyde

Linda Coates

Fraser Cocks and Catherine Herlihy

Bette Cohen

Renee Cokin

H. Michael and Jean Collins

Lisa Colton

Joe and Ramona Colwell

Rosemary Comito

Cecelia Conover

Joel and Kathleen Cook

Vern and Jeanene Cook

Coop Cooprider

Joann and Roy Corder

Roger C. Cornell, M.D.

Beth Corrick

Don Cotton

Karen L. Coulthard

County of San Diego

Karen and McDermot Coutts

Peter Cowhey and Margaret McKeown

Ann Rea Craig

Marion Craven

The Crocker Family

Dean Crowder

Kathleen Cudahy

Patricia Cué

Maureen Culhane and Roberta Edge

Alison Cummings

Stacy and Kurt Dahlvig

Donna Damson

Gary and Denise David

David Reed Landscape Architects

Paula Davidsen

The Dawe Family

Anna De Angelis

Dr. Marion De Koning and Jim Gerber

Caroline DeMar

Gerald and Bozier Demaree

Kristina Dendinger

Katy and Mike Dessent

Nancy Dewees

Alice and Doug Diamond

Carol Dickinson

The Donald C. and Elizabeth M. Dickinson Foundation

Sharon Dobson

Carol Domanick and David Deitch

Olivia and Clive Dorman

Cydney Douglas

Rumi Dover

Dr. Seuss Fund at The San Diego Foundation

Joann Driggers

Jack and Lorrain Duffy

Berit and Tom Durler

Karen and Bruce Dyer

Mary Earnest and Jonathan Parker

Lisa Eddo

Arlene Eding

Jerome Eggers

Bernard J. Eggertsen and Florence Nemkov

Drs. Steve Eilenberg and Marie Tartar

Stephanie Ellis

Dan and Aileen Emer

Monica Emery

Judy and Ron Endeman

Ann Enkoji

Jeane Erley

Gina Escobar

Richard Esparza and Lauraine Brekke-Esparza

Alfred and Karin Esser Charitable Fund

Mark Evans and Dan Evans

Ellen Fager

Gina Farkas and Zack Feigenbaum

Heidi and John Farkash

Heidrun Faulconer

Dr. Larry Feinberg and Mrs. Lynn Feinberg

Lyn Feldman

Marilyn K. Felfe

Norma Ferrara

Diane and Elliot Feuerstein Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Dr. Carl Findley III and Mrs. Jennifer R. Findley

Arline M. Fisch

Joseph J. Fisch Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Wendy Fish

Barbara and Al Fisher

Dale and Matthew Fisher

Barbara Fishman

Cecile Fleetwood

Flying Geese Quilters Guild

Jacque Lynn Foltyn

Ashley Fong and Alex Whitmore

Lotus Fragola

Sandra Francour

Sheila Frank

Caroline Frederick

Dr. Zachary Freer

Drs. Kathy French and William Kristan

Theresa Friederich-Takasugi and Wayne Takasugi

Catherine R. Friedman

Marion Froehlich

Hal and Pam Fuson

Claire S. Galli

Laura Gambucci

Jan Garbosky

Gardiner & Theobald Inc.

Susan Gardner and Thomas Gardner

Linda Garwood

J. R. Gates

Joyce M. Gattas, PhD

Jefferson Gauyan

Tange and Tom Gavin

The Barbara A. Gaynor Trust

Molly Gee

William T. Georgis

Colette O. Gerard-Kitnovski

Nelson and Priscilla Gibbs

Linda Gidlund

Ruth M. Gilbert

Polly Gillette

Dr. Faye Girsh

Leilani Gobaleza and Amy Truong

Claudia and Francisco Godinez

Francisco Godinez

Cara Golden

Don and Dale Goldman

Laurel Gonsalves

Beth Goodman

Beverly Goodman

Michael Graves

Mia Gray

Marti Gray

Laura Green

Debra Greenfield

Carla Grossini-Concha

Mary Lou and John Grossmann

Barbara and George Groth

Manuel Gutierrez

Gail and Douglas Hall

Jill G. Hall

Mike Hallor and Ellen Sidner Hallor

Ms. Lisa Hamilton

Rebecca Handelsman

Lisa Haney

Greta Hansen

Andrea Hanson and Chris Szwedo

Ann Hanson

Jay and Mary Hanson

R. E. Hanson

Robert Hanson

Jessica Hanson York and Keith York

Kerris Hardman

Carol Harlow

Claire Harootunian

Patrick Harrison and Eleanor Lynch

Barbara and Jim Hartung

Diana Hawes

Alan and Pamela Hay

Kitty Hayes

Susan S. Hayes

Devon Hedding and George Boyd

Kathi Herter

Lawrence and Suzanne Hess

Lisbeth Hether

Ingrid Hibben and Victor La Magna

Christine Knoke Hietbrink

Jason High

Ken and Sandy High

Lindsay and Dianne Hill

Chewy Hill

Carol F. Hinrichs

Linda Hirshberg

Julie Hocking

Susan Hoekenga

Sarah Holbach

Judy Hollingshead

Robyn Hollingshead

Laurel Holloway

Marilee Hong

Jane Hopkins

Meredith Hoskins

Nancy and Steve Howard

Nikki Hrountas

Geoffrey Hueter and Laura Henson

Meta Butler Hunt

Scott and Carolyn Ingham

Ms. Camilla Ingram and Dr. Craig Barilotti

Laury Isenberg

Mathew Ishbia

J. P. Morgan Private Bank

Joan and Irwin Jacobs

Stan Jacobs

Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation

Nora Jaffe and Sarah Jaffe

Padma Jagannathan

Nancy B. James

Conny Jamison

Marsha Janger and Richard Shapiro

Nancy C. Janus

Diane Jaynes

William and Kate Jeffery

Keri Jhaveri

Margaret Johnson

Dr. Sheila Johnson

Dolores Johnston

Viktoria Johnston

Thesa Jolly

Cass Jones

Kathy and Rob Jones

Sonja Jones

Louise Julig

Soo Ryeong Jung

Miriam L. Jupp

Christine Justice

Sharon L. Kalemkiarian

Ai Kanazawa

Samantha Kaplan

Lynn Kaufman

Anne-Marie Kaukonen

Maurice M. Kawashima

Marie Keech

Robert A. Keith

Stacy Kelley

Bob and Debi Kelly

Kristin Kelly

Michael and Patricia Kelly

Charles Kennel and Ellen Lehman

Heather and Ron Kerner

Sabrina Kilpatrick

Maureen and Charles King

Kristin King Stevenson and Andrew Stevenson

Michael Kinnamon

Kathleen V. Kish

Jan Klauber and Jim Melli

Helen S. Klein

Roberta Klein

Angelina and Fredrick Kleinbub

Zoe and Eric Kleinbub

Mayme Kline and Robert Beasley

Thomas Klysa

Bonnie Knoke

Dave and Sue Knop

Nancy and Curt Koch

Jean F. Kockinos

Ellen Koutsky and Cliff Shults

Roberta Kovitz and Greg Jackson

Rita Krieger

Karen Krug

Martin and Barbara Kruming

The Kubo Family

Klonie Kunzel

Sergey and Tatyana Kupriyanov

Peter and Sue Ladouceur

Jane LaFazio and Don Strom

Theresa F. Lai

Elizabeth Lancaster and Eli Shefter

Aili Langseth

Anna Laroque

Jack L. Larsen

Eloise Lau and Dan Kinnard

Gail A. Laughlin

Barbara Lavinio-Schmitz and Richard Schmitz

Alan Lawson

Sam Lee

Legler Benbough Foundation

The LeGros Family

Ms. Susan Lehman

Richard Forsyth and Kate Leonard

Katie and Jeff Lessard

Mimi Levinson

Monchel Lewis

Michael and Teresa Lewis

Liang and Zee Foundation

Michelle Lin

Michele Linback

Marsha Lindbeck

Patricia Lindquist

Nancy Lindsay

Katherine Linsley

Robin J. Lipman

Jean Litchfield

Eric and Suellen Lodge

Tor Gronborg and Michelle Look, M.D.

Dr. Nina Lott and Dr. Steven Fortson

Patricia R. Low and Mark W. Majette

Claudia Lowenstein

David Lubs and Jan Barry

Robin B. Luby

Jennifer Luce

LUCE et studio

Bosco and Debbie Luján

The Lundsten Family

Andrea Lynn

Ms. Glenda Lynne

Judy K. MacDonald

Kyong and Daniel Macek

Alexis MacMillan

Greg and Carly Malone

Beverly Maloof

Allison Manch and Ian Young

Joan and Doug Mann

Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

Rose Mario

Brittany Mark

Julianne and Gregory Markow

Harry Markowitz

Susan Marrinan

Harold and Beverly Martyn

Joanne Marugg

Emma Maruska

Gene and Marilyn Marx

Sue Mason

Betsy H. Massee

Ambassador Richard C. Matheron

Sara Matta

Margaret Matter

Eva Matthews

Gary Mayers

Amy Mayfield

Carol Mayfield

Maureen J. McBreen

Karen H. McBride

Mary L. McBride and Susan Sulla

Michael McCabe

J. Allen and Emily McCutchan

Ann A. McDonald

Judy McDonald

Christine McFadden

Duncan and Nancy McGehee

Courtenay C. McGowen

Ancestors: The McGrory Family

Douglas and Susan McLeod

Victoria McQueen

Ernest Meadows

Mathías Meier

Renee Menard

Carol J. Mendoza

Judith Menzel

Joanne Meredith

Elinor Merl and Mark Brodie

Susan Merritt and Calvin Woo

Timothy Mertel

James and Estelle Milch Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Susan Milner

Bonnie Minamide

Mingei Docent Council

Rena Minisi and Rich Paul

Laurie Mitchell and Brent Woods

Deborah Moceri

Billie Moffitt

Nessa Moll

Capt. and Mrs. Gary E. Monell

Tony, Joanne, Ruby and Sabrina Montegna

Sandy Monzon

Christopher Moore

Debbie Moore

Judith Blakely Morgan

Amy and Bill Morris

Liz Morrison

Trista Morrison

Virginia Morse

Linda Morton

Lucas Morton

Marian Moses

Gillian Moss

Rebecca and David Mrachek

Daniel Mueller and JoAnn Pari-Mueller

Ms. K. J. Mueller

Karen and Tom Mulvaney

Michele Murphy

Hayley Murugesan

Sheena and Wayne Myers

Rad Nakama

Nancy Nakawaki-Marron

The Nappen Family

Joan Natoli

Francine Navakas and Edward Navakas

Helen P. Neal

Lucille and Ron Neeley

Deborah Neff

Anne and Ralph Neiger

Carl D. Nelson

Joani Nelson

Lyn Nelson

Nancy Nenow

Rhoda Nevins and Eddie Kleiman

Nikelina Neziri Kadriu

Judith Nicolaidis

Adelle Nicolas

Caroline and Nick Nordquist

Lindy Norman

Laura Nottoli Bozigian and Jon K. Bozigian

Amber O'Banion and Alexis O'Banion

Micki Olin and Dr. Reid Abrams

Virginia Oliver

Ann and Darwin Olsen

Damian and Lisa O'Malley

L. O'Neil

Ms. Karen B. O’Neill

Orness Design Group

Bettina Hahn Osborne

Debbie Osgood

Ann R. Oster

Sara Oswald

Jeffrey Ott and Julie Tupper

Carolyn and Tom Owen-Towle

Arline Paa

Charles and Kim Pack

Stephanie Pagaduan

Catherine and Robert Palmer

Deborah and Raymond Park

Junko Park

Irene Parra

Virginia S. Patch

Drs. Purna and Gopa Patnaik

Michael and Meghan Pattison

Brenda Pearson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pecht

Pat Pepper

Gwendolyn Perchard

Sharon Perkowski and Mariah Smith

Mark and Jeanene Perry

Penny and Wayne Perryman

Frances Petefish

Laurie Smith Peters

Jeanette and Kirk Peterson

Gale and James Petrie

Maryanne and Irwin Pfister

Maureen Phillips

Tipper and Chuck J. Phillips

Elizabeth and Parker Piner

Nina and Chuck Podhorsky

Ann Pogue and Mary-Anne McKiechan

Susan and Tom Polakiewicz

Blaise and William Pope

Kent and Jill Porter

Kristi Porter

James Niels Poulsen

Victoria Powers and Gary Tilton

Dr. Julie Prazich and Dr. Sara Rosenthal

The Conrad Prebys Foundation

Claudia Prescott

Price Philanthropies Foundation

Josh Prottas

Ann and John Pyles

Kerianne Quick

Fredric Raab

Martha Radatz

Elke Radelow

Dennis Ragen and Christine Hickman

Rancho Santa Fe Foundation

John and Lesley Randall

Anthony Rasmussen

Mary M. Rathbun

Audrey S. Ratner

James Rawitsch

Jeanne Rawlings and John Lamb

Jerry Ray

Nancy Rech

Vicki and Jack Reed

Robert Reese

Barbara Reiland

Dannie Sue and John Reis

Marian Zeldin and Anita Reith

Anne Ricart

Tim and Ann Rice

Robert Richter

Doug and Jan Rightmer

Susan Riley

Robert Risman

Mixely Rivera

Janet Robbins

Judy Robbins

Bea and Tom Roberts

Toni Robin TR/PR

Monchel Robinson

Scott Robinson

Paulette Rodgers-Leahy

Dr. Sue R. Rosner

Allison Rossett

Joyleen Rottenstein

Phillip Roullard

Tina Rounsavell

Ms. Arlene Rubach

Karl Rudnick and Jill Cooper

Raquel Rudoy

Nuvia Ruland

John and Bonnie Rush

Patricia Rutledge

Chelsea Ruwe

Constance Saindon

Sharon Salazar

Teresa Salerno

Steve and Sherry Saltzman

Richard Samudio

Robert and Lora Sandroni

Cathy Sang

Carolyn Satter and Rachel Silvis

Lynne and Robert Schaffer

Mark Schantz

Robert Schantz

Allie Schienle

Susan Schiffer

Michele Schlecht

Carol Schloo-Wright

Melissa Schmidt

Gail Schneider and David Matlin

Diane Schoeff

Jerry Schreiber and Carla Smith

Connie Schroeder

Miriam Schulman

Barbara Schwartz and James Smullen

Cris Scorza

Ellen W. Scott

Gordon and Theresa Seaburg

Judy Seerey

Pat and John Seiber

Michael and Kim Seiber

Stephen and Cathleen Seiber

Therese Seiber

Elizabeth Seibold

Patt Seitas

Karen Seo and Daniel Lee

Taryn Serna

Barbara M. Seymour

Katerina Shahpazova

Eric and Susan Shapira

Andrea Shapiro

Curt Sherman

Susie Sherry Family

Virginia and Lawrence Sherwood

Janice Shigehara

Helen Shirk

Keith and Kim Shores

CC: Marilyn R. and Ruth N. Sidler

Anne Sidner and Chuck Tonti

The Sidner Family

Richard and Lisa Sidner

Rob Sidner

Linsey Silverstein

Ariane Sims

Gay Sinclair

Kara Sjoblom-Bay

Kathleen Sloan

Lisa Smith

Elizabeth and Walter Smoyer Family Trust

Nancy E. Snyder

Kwan and Marion So

Erica Sontheimer

Pete Spanos

Irving A. Sparks and Helen D. Sparks

Nancy and Alan Spector

Elisabeth Spiegelberg

Patricia White Sprague

Judith Springer

Gail Steel

Rosemary Stepner

Jeanette Stevens

Sandra Stevens

Bonnie and Ray Stewart

Elizabeth and Lester Stiel

Julie and John Stone

Terra Stone

Sally and Randy Stovall

Deanne Stratton

Thomas Straus

Alina Strauss

Connie Strohbehn Kaczmarczyk

Crit Stuart

Susan Styn

Lisa Sidner Suydam

Paula and Mike Svoboda

Sandy and Mike Swirnoff

Susan L. and Mark Taggart

Takahashi Family Charitable Fund

Lorie Tancredi-Baese

Haeyoung Tang

Linda Temko

Gerald L. Thiebolt

Matthew Thompson

Charles Thunyakij

Keely Tidrow

Gloria Tierney

Tokyo Blonde

Irving G. Tragen

Shannon Tran

Eva Tseng

Patricia Tseng

Kei Tsukamoto

Maria Turingan-Boily

Adrienne Turner

Angie Turner

Hope Turney

Susan and Richard Ulevitch

Max Underwood

Heather Urquhart

Marilyn Vaughan

Marissa Ventura

Joseph and Deborah Verfaillie

Sally Viavada

Sara Vickers

Dr. Osvaldo Humberto Viveros and Mrs. Yolanda Viveros

Les Vivian and Marcia Biller

Violet Wagener

The WaHaDo Family

Marjorie Wahlsten

Nancy Walker

Robert D. Wallace

Patricia L. Waller

Skyla Wallmann

Dr. Mary L. Walshok

Nell Waltz

Katharine Wardle and Patricia Brennan

Warren Family Foundation

Suzanne Warren

Deborah Warriner

Sharon Watson

Rob Webster

Martha Weesner

Robert and Marilyn Wegner

Dr. and Mrs. M.D. Weinberg

Sarah Weinberg-Scalo

Jo and Howard Weiner

Kacey Weiner

Doris Weingart

Abby and Ray Weiss

Rachel Wells

Peter Wendel

Steve and Linda Ardell Wendfeldt

Linda J. West

Suzy Westphal and Lynn Kinsella

Peter Wetzel

Ellen and Bill Whelan

Frances Hamilton White

Katherine White

Sarah Hamilton White and David W. Gray

Lynn and William Whitehouse

M. E. Whitlock and Don Fithian

Judith A. Wilkinson

Sharon Will and Charles Kreysa

Al and Armi Williams

Carole Wilson and Robert Brandt

Rick and Cheryl Wilson

Elaine Wilson

Richard P. Woltman

Li-Ann Wong

David A. Wood

Dorothy B. Wood

Arch and Carol Woodard

David Workman and Barry Rose

Ann and Dan Worth

Jeffrey Wynne

Mike and Kaye Wynne

Xuereb Family

Emiliene M. Yaeger

Emilie S. Yanagi and Ronald Eng

Mildred Yi

Carol Young

Ann L. Zahner

LeAnna S. Zevely

Michael and Carole L. Ziegler

Terri Peterson Zimdars

Myra J. Zimmerman

Barbara ZoBell