2024 Annual Appeal | Mingei International Museum

Gallery Closure: Our Exhibitions Level is closed until Saturday, April 5. Learn more about upcoming exhibitions

Wednesday, 3/26, Mingei will close at 4pm for a private event.

Group of people posing for a photo in front of a wall that reads "La Frontera"
Image: Group of people posing for a photo in front of a wall that reads "La Frontera"

I’m Jennifer Findley, Chair of the Museum’s Board of Trustees and a huge fan of Mingei! The Museum has grown tremendously in recent years, presenting a rotation of innovative exhibitions paired with engaging programs. As an art advisor and advocate for artists, I’m especially excited about Mingei’s work with living artists who share fresh perspectives through the traditional mediums of folk art and craft. These initiatives continuously inspire me to support Mingei and help to steer the Museum forward.

Mingei exhibitions highlight the contemporary work of artists near and far, making space for today's craftspeople to share meaningful stories that address important and timely issues. A few shining examples:

  • Piñatas: The High Art of Celebration featured nearly 20 artists, including the memorable full-scale Low Rider Car by Justin Favella, to spotlight piñatas as a traditional craft and vibrant contemporary art form.
  • In La Frontera, over 85 works from international contemporary jewelry artists were shared with the public, including 24 artists who were born, raised, live, or work along the U.S. – Mexico border region.
  • Our current exhibition, Blue Gold: The Art and Science of Indigo, highlights historical objects alongside the work of more than a dozen contemporary artists exploring the creative expression of indigo.

To allow Mingei to continue to collaborate and support our creative community, we invite you to contribute to this year’s Annual Appeal.

Porfirio Gutiérrez, Zapotec American artist and advocate, and exhibiting Blue Gold” artist
Kerianne Quick, jeweler, teacher, and exhibiting La Frontera” artist
Justin Favela, mixed-media artist and exhibiting Piñatas: The High Art of Celebration” artist
Shirin Towfiq, Iranian interdisciplinary artist and exhibiting Shirin Towfiq: Threaded Journeys” artist
Sarah Myriam Winston, textile artisan and exhibiting Over/​Under” artist

Local artists and makers also bring their unique craft skills and perspective to educational programs for members and the public. These artists teach annually in the Museum’s Summer Camp series, lead craft-making sessions for monthly Family Sunday events, and present talks and workshops planned around each exhibition. Our audience is growing, and so is our creative network. It’s only with your generosity that we’re able to offer compelling exhibitions and programs, and we invite you to support the Museum’s mission by making a gift to the 2024 Annual Appeal.

Your donation will help Mingei continue to honor our mission and traditions while supporting local artists and propelling the future of craft forward.

Pictured left to right: Jennifer Findley, Chair of Mingei’s Board of Trustees. Shelly Jyoti, visual artist, fashion designer, poet, independent curator, and exhibiting Blue Gold” artist. Mary Rathbun

On behalf of the Museum’s board, staff, and volunteers, thank you for your past support and for your continued passion for Mingei.

With gratitude,

Jennifer Findley
Chair, Board of Trustees

Thank you for supporting the 2024 Annual Appeal!

Donors as of January 17, 2025


Anonymous in memory of Rev. Carolyn S. Owen-Towle

Anonymous in memory of Uyehara-Kaneshiro Families

Tina and Craig Abernethy

Lyn and Dick Allison

Barbara J. Anderson

Valentina Arbab

Teresa King Aubert

Elaine Baldwin

The Baratz Family in honor of Katy Dessent

Sarah Barnes

Cia and Larry Barron

Sandra Barstow in honor of Elinor Merl

Thomas Bauer

Lori Baxter

Sharon G. Beamer

Constance Beardsley

Marie-Claude Beaupre

Mary Beebe and Charles Reilly

Susan Berman

James and Marie Biers

Marilyn Bintz

Robert Black

Alice Bloom

Barbara Bomze

Arthur Boothroyd and Carol Mackersie

Leslie Bouffard

David E. Boufford

Pat Boyce and Debbie Fritsch

Isabella Jolie Bustillos

Dr. Mary Ann Calcott

Carmela Caldera Bowen

Dr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Canada

Lavonne Cashman

Cathy and Michael Casteel

Lynda Claassen in honor of Rob Sidner

Sarah and Tim Clayton

Suzi Click Lewis

Linda Coates

Nancy Coffin and Richard Burkett

Polly Cone and John Neyenesch

Cecelia Conover

Karen and McDermot Coutts in honor of the staff at Mingei

Kathleen Cudahy

Donna Damson

Gary and Denise David

Karen and Terry Davidson

Stephanie J. Davis

Davis Family Trust Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

The Dawe Family in memory of Jim Dawe

Deborah Deacon

Caroline S. DeMar

Katy and Mike Dessent in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Alice and Doug Diamond

Carol Y. Dickinson

Donna Donati

Barbara Doren

Rumi Dover

Berit and Tom Durler

Earthward Bound Foundation

Dan and Aileen Emer

Alfred and Karin Esser Charitable Fund in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Ellen Fager

Marilyn K. Felfe

Diane and Elliot Feuerstein Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Ronald Fichter in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Dale and Matthew Fisher

Kay and Terry Foster

Caroline Frederick

Theresa Friederich-Takasugi and Wayne Takasugi

Catherine R. Friedman

Barbara Fryer

Karen and Tom Gammiere

Natalie Gebet

Golnaz Ghahari

Faye Girsh

Joyce Glazer in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Laurel Gonsalves

Norma and Gary Greene

Warren Guykema

Jill G. Hall

Mike Hallor and Ellen Sidner Hallor

Dr. Emily Hanna and Mr. Anthony Bingham

Andrea Hanson and Chris Szwedo

Jay and Mary Hanson

Jessica Hanson York and Keith York

Patrick Harrison and Eleanor Lynch

Michelle and Ron Hebdon

Kathi Herter

Monica Hickey

Jason and Lindsey High in honor of Maureen King

Carol F. Hinrichs

Judy Hirsh and Dr. Walter Cohen

Linda Hirshberg

Marilee Hong

Maryka Hoover

Mary Howell

Pat Hughes

Irwin Jacobs

Marie Carmen Janssen

William and Kate Jeffery in honor of John Seiber

Dan Jensen in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Bonita Johnston

Christine Justice

Anne-Marie Kaukonen

Kristin Kelly

Michael and Patricia Kelly in memory of Rae J. Mansell

Heather and Ron Kerner

Dr. Aram Kevorkian in memory of Sevan A. Kevorkian

Maureen and Charles King in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Zoe and Eric Kleinbub

Nancy and Curt Koch

Martin and Barbara Kruming

Madeline Lacasse in honor of Erin Lizarraga

Jane LaFazio and Don Strom in honor of Allison Manch

Theresa F. Lai

Elizabeth Lancaster and Eli Shefter

Eloise Lau and Dan Kinnard

Alan Lawson in memory of Arlene Sontag

Caryl Lees

Robin J. Lipman

Jean Litchfield

Claudia Lowenstein

The Lundsten Family

Mary Lydon and Duane Anderson

Kyong and Daniel Macek

Megan Maher

Donna and Peter Mallen

Richard and Raimie Manch

Harold and Beverly Martyn

Monique Matosian-Bharucha and Farhad Bharucha

Margaret Mays

Jeff and Patty Maysent

Bill and Peggy McCarberg Charitable Fund

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert I. McCoy

Katy McDonald and Perry Vasquez

Courtenay C. McGowen

Douglas and Susan McLeod

Carol Mendoza

Elinor Merl and Mark Brodie

Katherine Merten

Maggie and Paul Meyer

Marie Mezan

Bonnie Minamide

Deborah Moceri

Billie Moffitt

Judith Morgan in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Regina Morin in memory of Patricia Schneider

Jennifer Morrissey and Douglas McCannel

Patricia Morrison

Liz Morrison

Maria L. Nagy

Lisa Needle in memory of Patricia Schneider

Judith Nicolaidis

Caroline and Nick Nordquist

Amy Okamura

Virginia Oliver

Ellen O'Neal

Lisbet O'Neil

Judith Koperski Organ in memory of Roger C. Cornell

JoAnn Pari-Mueller and Daniel Mueller

Virginia S. Patch

Gale and James Petrie

Maureen Phillips

Annelisa Polk

Allison and Robert Price Family Foundation

Kerianne Quick

Jeanne Rawlings and John Lamb

Toni Robin TR/PR

Judith Ann Roda in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Allison Rossett and Susan Reynolds

Tina Rounsavell

Raquel Rudoy

Cathy Sang in honor of Jessica and the whole team for their wonderful work

Paul Schatz and Juan Carlos Ruiz

Michele Schlecht

Gail Schneider and David Matlin

Connie Schroeder

Margaret R. Seeley Charitable Foundation

John M. and Patricia A. Seiber

Georgina Sham

Debra Shannon and Arlene Kaplan

Felicia Shaw in memory of Mildred Willis

Curt Sherman

Anne C. Sidner

Paul and Darcy Siegel

Kathleen Sloan

Lisa Smith

Annie So

Elisabeth Spiegelberg

Gail Steel

Thomas Straus

Connie Strohbehn Kaczmarczyk

Patricia Stromberg

Mark Taggart

Takahashi Family Charitable Fund

Dan and Ai Tauber

Mary and Ron Taylor in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Linda Temko

Joy S. Thonneson

Molly Thornton

Irving G. Tragen in memory of Nessa Moll

Ann Travers and Barbara Nordin

Amy Threefoot Valeiras

Joseph and Molly Vasquez

John Venekamp and Clifford Schireson in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Marie Vickers

Sara Vickers

Dr. Osvaldo Humberto Viveros and Mrs. Yolanda Viveros

Patricia L. Waller in memory of Jerome Smith

Mary Lindenstein Walshok

Abby and Ray Weiss

Linda J. West

David Weston in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Batsheva Wiesner in memory of Carol B. Talley

Judith A. Wilkinson

Li-Ann Wong in memory of Roger C. Cornell

David Workman and Barry Rose

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Wynne in memory of Roger C. Cornell

Leanna Zevely

Terri Peterson Zimdars

Sarah Zimny