Art Break | Mingei International Museum

Exhibitions Closure: Excuse the Hues! Dine, shop, and make while we prepare for "Blue Gold: The Art and Science of Indigo" - Explore the Entry Level

Join Carmen Artigas as she unveils the spiritual significance of indigo, highlighting its timeless connection to cosmology, mysticism, and sacred textiles. Discover the ancient methods of creating indigo dye and the rituals that imbue it with protective and healing powers, bridging the past and present in a captivating exploration.

About Carmen Artigas Carmen Artigas is a multidisciplinary designer, biocultural researcher, and fashion consultant. She has dedicated herself to preserving endangered artisan techniques, respecting nature's harvesting cycles.

Photo credit: Laura Anderson Barbata, Rolling Calf, 2015, photo by Rene Cervantes


Shannon Foley