Dolls | Mingei International Museum


Mirrors of Humanity
On View

Aug 8, 1997 - Jan 3, 1999

Curated By

John Darcy Noble

The exhibition was funded in part by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture and the County of San Diego Community Enhancement Program.

An hour-long Mingei International exhibition documentary videotape and a seven-minute Videotape featuring Wednesday’s Palace were made possible by an anonymous foundation.

An exhibition of antique and contemporary dolls reflecting the ideals of their makers, from the most profound beliefs and aspirations of the men and women who made them for their children to the frivolous delights of their own vanities and recreations. Major loans were from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, the collection of John Darcy Noble, the Strong Museum, Rochester, New York and an anonymous private collection. Numerous ethnic dolls were from the permanent collection of Mingei International Museum. Playing continuously in the exhibition gallery was a videotaped “tour” of the Goulden Baby House by Guest Curator John Darcy Noble. During the run of the exhibition illustrated lectures were presented by Mr. Noble, “A Brief History of Dolls”, and Alan Pate, “Japanese Dolls”.