First Collections | Mingei International Museum

First Collections

Dolls and Folk Toys of the World
On View

Oct 8 - Dec 31, 1994

Curated By

Martha Longenecker

The exhibition was funded in part by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture and the County of San Diego Community Enhancement Program.

Celebrating the 1994 International Year of the Family, this exhibition presented a fresh edition of a recurring theme in its exhibition history. Included in the exhibition were toys from the Museum's permanent collection and other rare toys gathered on loan from private collectors. With objects from 28 countries of the world, the emphasis of the exhibition was on the striking similarities among toys from various cultures, toys brought into existence by an urge to play that is common to all mankind and a source of marvelous creative energy throughout the world.

Playing continuously through the run of the exhibition were films by Ray and Charles Eames: "Parade," "Toccatta for Toy Trains," and "Tops," along with "Calder's Circus," and "The Goulden Baby House" narrated by John Darcy Noble.