Frequently asked questions about Mingei International Museum's Digital Cards | Mingei International Museum

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Digital Card FAQ

An economically and environmentally friendly digital Passport and Membership card

Below you will find answers to some common questions to help you understand and use your new card. Additional questions can be directed to or 619-704-7516.

How will I use my digital card?

Your digital card is unique to your Mingei Passport or Membership and displays your name, membership level, expiration date, and a barcode for us to scan. Simply show your digital card to our staff upon visiting the Museum, or at Shop Mingei to take advantage of your benefits!

How do I receive my digital card?

Your digital card will be sent to the purchaser or primary member’s email address. You will need to open this email on your smartphone and follow the instructions in the email to download the card. The card will be stored in your iPhone’s Wallet app, or in Google Wallet (Gpay) or Wallet Passes on an Android.

What if I don’t have a wallet app installed on my phone?

Apple users have a built-in wallet that cannot be deleted. Android users will need to download either “Wallet Passes” or "Google Pay" from the Google Play Store before downloading the card. Once installed, the email you receive will provide step-by-step instructions and a link to download the card.

Will my digital card update when I renew my Passport or Membership?

Yes! The digital card will automatically update when your information changes. For example, your expiration date and membership level will automatically update the next time you renew or upgrade your membership. This means that you only need to download the card once!

How will I receive my guest passes?

Guest passes for all levels of membership are tracked in our database. Members may allow a guest to give the member’s name when checking in at the Museum to redeem a guest pass.

How will my reciprocal benefits work when visiting other museums?

Digital cards for the Traveler membership level and above display the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) logo, and provide a link to an up-to-date list of participating organizations in the programs. Simply show your digital card at participating museums to receive free or reduced admission!

Will I receive a second digital card for my secondary member?

The digital card will only be emailed to one email address per membership. However, members who are at the Companion level and above can use the "share" feature of the digital card to send to a secondary member to be able to download the card on a second device. Those who have an unnamed second member on their membership may share the card with the guest planning on visiting. The guest should inform the front desk staff that they are a second member of the named member on the card, and our staff will verify that the membership level allows secondary admission.

I am not sure I received my digital card. Can you send it again?

Yes! Please contact us at or (619) 704-7516, and we can resend the email for you to download and enjoy your digital card.

What if I prefer a paper card?

By default, all members will now receive a digital membership card sent to the email address you provide. If you prefer to receive a paper membership card instead, please contact us at or (619) 704-7516.