Mingei International Museum | Mingei International Museum

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Find Your Place

Find Your Place

Find a place where your name, or your family’s name, can be recognized in the Museum's new space.

Looking Back While Moving Forward Looking Back While Moving Forward
San Diego Design Week

San Diego Design Week

As the presenter of San Diego Design Week, Mingei strengthens its mission by opening its doors (figuratively and literally) to our region’s design community, cultivating a space where one can both inspire and be inspired.

Sealing Time with Steel Sealing Time with Steel
Bringing Together Drawing and Design Bringing Together Drawing and Design
Piece by Piece Piece by Piece

Piece by Piece

A Handcrafted Transformation A Handcrafted Transformation
Where Hand Meets Metal Where Hand Meets Metal

Where Hand Meets Metal

Beauty in a Burl Beauty in a Burl

Beauty in a Burl

Inside, Outside and all the Spaces In Between Inside, Outside and all the Spaces In Between